The Gilders & Staffers of Austria
Gilding - the craft
Gold is a fascinating material that is used not only in jewelry, but also as a material for impressive accents in art & Architecture finds.
There are a large number of sacred and secular buildings around the world in which our craft can be found.
The restoration will preserve works of historical and cultural value both outside and inside.
The work of the gilder is also used in modern times. Wall gilding, yacht furnishings or hotels, the areas of application cover a wide range of areas.
A large number of historical buildings in Vienna are equipped with elements of gilding: the Vienna Hofburg, Schönbrunn Palace, Liechtenstein Palace and many more.
Die Mitwirkenden Meister und Meisterinnen der Fachgruppe der Vergolder & Staffierer:
Markus Christoph Bauer
Michael Dallendörfer
Elfriede Edlmaier
Ing. Tatjana Grössinger
Heinrich Helminger
Mag. Martina Hoffinger
Josef Kollreider
Friedrich Leonhartsberger
Waltraud Luegger
Beatrix Maier
Jenifer Matzohl
Ing. Barbara Oberlerchner-Nemec
Bianca Stefanie Muster
Stefan Nachförg
Valentin Schaunigg
Georg Smolka
Mag. Barbara Steiner
Veronika Wildner
Verena Thurner